
O.C. Bankruptcy Filings

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These companies and/or individuals recently filed for liquidation (Chapter 7) or reorganization (Chapter 11 or 13) in federal Bankruptcy Court in Santa Ana.

Petitioner: William Henry Hunt Jr.

Location: Buena Park

Listed business affiliation: William Hunt Transportation Inc., Kim & Bill’s Transportation

Type of business: NA

Filing: Chapter 13

Assets: $187,970

Liabilities: $165,314

Case number: 11287 JR

Petition signed by: William Henry Hunt Jr.

Date filed: 2-16-00

Petitioner: Ahmad Mostaghimi

Location: Aliso Viejo

Listed business affiliation: fdba Most Air Conditioning

Type of business: Repair of air conditioning units

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $3,270

Liabilities: $56,889

Case number: 11274 LR

Petition signed by: Ahmad Mostaghimi

Date filed: 2-16-00

Petitioner: Marilyn Christine Martin

Location: Newport Beach

Listed business affiliation: dba Turn Key Interiors, fdba Sale Appeal

Type of business: Interior decorator

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $21,550

Liabilities: $70,362

Case number: 11273 RA

Petition signed by: Marilyn Christine Martin

Date filed: 2-16-00

Petitioner: Charles V. La Sarge

Location: Dana Point

Listed business affiliation: dba Osage Acoustics

Type of business: NA

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $2,650

Liabilities: $269,547

Case number: 11322 LR

Petition signed by: Charles V. La Sarge

Date filed: 2-16-00

Petitioner: Douglas Gordon Wilson

Location: Irvine

Listed business affiliation: Component Engineering Group

Type of business: NA

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $328,800

Liabilities: $291,240

Case number: 11314 LR

Petition signed by: Douglas Gordon Wilson

Date filed: 2-16-00

Petitioner: GSA 2222 West LLC

Location: Salt Lake City

Type of business: NA

Filing: Chapter 11

Assets: $1,000,001-$10 million

Liabilities: $10 million-$50 million

Case number: 11358 JB

Petition signed by: Peter J. Arnold, Kimbers III Inc., managing member, Newport Beach

Date filed: 2-17-00

Petitioner: 165 Madison Ave.

Location: Memphis, Tenn.

Type of business: NA

Filing: Chapter 11

Assets: $10 million-$50 million

Liabilities: $1 million-$10 million

Case number: 11353 JB

Petition signed by: Peter J. Arnold, president of Kimbers II Inc., general partner, Newport Beach

Date filed: 2-17-00

Key: dba--doing business as. fdba--formerly doing business as. fka--formerly known as. faw--formerly associated with. aka--also known as.
