
Galanter Seeks Audit of New Year’s Expenditures


Seeking a post-mortem on the city’s dismally attended millennium events, City Councilwoman Ruth Galanter called Tuesday for an audit of the private and public expenditures to promote and stage New Year’s Eve celebrations.

While acknowledging that rain and flu may have contributed to the poor turnout, Galanter said the “less than rave” reviews raise serious questions for the city, which will host the Democratic National Convention this summer.

“We cannot afford another public relations failure,” said Galanter, who asked the city controller to do the audit and report to the council as soon as possible.


Mayor Richard Riordan has defended the city’s decision to host five events, including the lighting of the Hollywood sign, which has been repeatedly mocked by comedian Jay Leno, who appeared with the mayor to flip the light switch. Leno has said that the lit sign was cheesy at best.

Riordan allocated $1 million from the city’s budget for the millennium celebrations. He subsequently asked the council for nearly $282,000 in additional funds for the events, and City Hall insiders say he asked for private donations as well.

Riordan’s staff blames the low turnout on the weather but defends the choice to hold events around the city rather than selecting one venue.

“Despite the circumstances, the weather, we’re very proud of the fact that we tried to show the world that we are a world-class city,” said Deputy Mayor Noelia Rodriguez.
