
John Rocker


Re “Rocker Was Simply a Talk-Radio Parrot,” Commentary, Jan. 17: Alan Dershowitz’s column is an upside-down condemnation of the 1st Amendment. The sadder perspective places millions of listeners in front of their radios taking comfort from hearing their already formulated beliefs reinforced by the lowest common denominator of broadcaster.

Rush Limbaugh did not create Rocker; Rocker created Limbaugh. Just as 65 years ago, similarly inclined listening audiences found Father Coughlin on the radio and elevated him to national prominence and wealth.

Limbaugh could no more persuade me that ignorant bigotry is OK than Dershowitz could convince me that O.J. Simpson is innocent.



Rancho Palos Verdes


The far-left Harvard (a synonym) professor assigns blame for Rocker’s bigoted outburst to Rocker’s repeating “what he hears every day on talk radio,” without a shred of evidence that Rocker ever listens to that medium. I listen to talk radio but don’t hear the types of diatribes attributed to it by Dershowitz.

Some talk radio hosts are strongly leftist and some are strongly conservative. So what? What Rocker said is no worse on the right than what Alec Baldwin and Rosie O’Donnell espouse on the left. Rocker has the right to say his mind (misguided or not). It’s his right, isn’t it, professor?


Granada Hills


Dershowitz’s article on talk radio did not go far enough. It really does not matter if your point of view is left or right, because the venom is the same. In reality I find that all the talk shows are irritatingly sophomoric and do nothing except exacerbate a mob mentality. The host has an agenda and goes for it.

If I am stuck in L.A. traffic I sometimes push the dial and listen in. To exercise my constitutional right I list all the sponsors of these shows and when I am settled in my environment I write the sponsors equally angry letters and tell them I would not support their products--and I don’t. I love democracy.


Beverly Hills


Re Patt Morrison’s Jan. 16 column, “Do We Silence Bigots?”: She hit the nail on the head when she mentioned that pro sports didn’t demonstrate much outrage over athlete wife-beaters or coked-up brawlers who suit up on Sunday to make team profits. I hold no brief for Rocker--his statements were reprehensible and disgusting--but as far as I know there is such a thing as free speech.

Morrison remarks that perhaps one thing came out of it, that a few decades ago his remarks would have been ignored and thank goodness that does not happen today. Good writing, Patt!



Los Angeles


How grandly condescending of Morrison to grant Rocker the same right of freedom of expression she used to spew hate at him.

Maybe someday the Fourth Estate will even feel secure enough to admit that the 1st Amendment is not the exclusive property of journalists and pornographers.


