


* Re “ ‘Los Desaparecidos’ Are Returning to Haunt Gen. Pinochet,” Commentary, May 30:

Ariel Dorfman’s article about Gen. Augusto Pinochet’s crimes was profound, particularly in its discussion of the way in which atrocities committed all over Chile throughout Pinochet’s rule were present at some level in the minds of every Chilean.

As uncomfortable as it may be for many in the U.S., the fact is that the abomination which was Pinochet’s Chile might never have happened had our country not helped to overthrow the democratically elected socialist government of Salvador Allende.

Because the United States has repeatedly sided with brutal right-wing regimes if it thought they could be counted on to oppose communism, we should hope that those on the trail of the dictator follow the evidence where it leads: into the Nixon White House.



Los Angeles
