
U.S. Trade With China


* Now that all sides seem to be favoring normalized trading with China, a large Communist country with a horrendous human rights record, we really should retain some credibility by avoiding glaring double standards and lift the embargo against Cuba.

Oh wait, I forgot one thing. China is big and far away, and Cuba is small and nearby. Is it not the tactic of the cowardly playground bully to beat up the little guy while accommodating the big one, lest he get a bloody nose?


Isla Vista


History is about to repeat itself. In 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed due to pressure from the labor unions claiming that Chinese immigrants were taking away American jobs. This act eliminated Chinese immigration for the next 60 years and caused enormous damage to this group of people.


Now labor unions are again putting pressure on Congress to vote down the China trade bill because of low wages, poor working conditions and human rights violations in China. The unions’ solution to cure a disease is still killing the patient.




A May 17 article states that “a heightened stance on the China trade deal also could give [Al] Gore an opportunity to demonstrate political independence from organized labor.” How about Gore or any other presidential candidate demonstrating political independence from multinational corporations? It is the powerful multinationals that give millions to both the Democratic and Republican parties and are pushing for this agreement, which will benefit them tremendously but will be bad for human rights, American workers, Chinese workers and our trade deficit.


Los Angeles
