
A Master Self-Marketer?


I saw the picture of John Hegeman and was sure, when I glanced at the phrase “obnoxious entertainment exec” in the article, that the writer was describing him (“Old, New Hollywood Meet to Put an Odd Twist on Entertainment,” by Amy Wallace, Aug. 23).

As Hegeman himself will tell you, he is a master marketer--a master of marketing himself. I’ll be sick if I read one more time how Hegeman is responsible for the success of “The Blair Witch Project.” I suppose his co-workers and the filmmakers, among others, had nothing to do with it. Hegeman was simply in the right place at the right time.

I worked at Orion Pictures when Hegeman was brought in as head of marketing, and it is a vast understatement to say that an unpleasant time was had by all (at least all those who were there before Hegeman arrived). What a relief it was when MGM purchased Orion and we all got laid off.


Hegeman was one of the main reasons I left the entertainment industry. I now work at a nonprofit where people are actually helping others, yet don’t see the need to constantly congratulate themselves. I am one person who won’t be visiting


Los Angeles
