
Internet Sales Tax


Re “Tax Sales Fairly, On or Off the Net,” editorial, Sept. 8:

Assembly Bill 2412, to apply sales tax to some Internet purchases, is simply an attempt to rip the consumer off for more tax money at a time when state revenue is at a record high and rising. It is not needed by the state and is bad for the rest of us.

Saying the bill is not a tax increase or new tax simply flies in the face of the facts. The state would collect more taxes, and the desire is to spread this increase as widely as possible.

Worried about “fairness”? It’s “fair” if everybody is taxed to death? How about the alternative? Cut the general sales tax rate, easily done when the state is awash in money, and achieve fairness and lower prices at the same time.



La Puente


The Internet apologists tell us that the lack of sales tax will help Internet businesses grow. That’s most likely true, so let’s designate a mile of Wilshire Boulevard as a no-sales-tax zone, and see how those businesses grow. Fair is fair!


La Quinta
