
The Choice to Remain Childless


Catherine Hutzel’s reply to Carla Hall’s article about childless women is, in my case, right on the mark. (Letters to the Editor, Sept. 10) I am 45 years old and a full-time student at Chapman University, double majoring in psychology and U.S. history, as well as working two part-time jobs. One of the reasons I chose not to have children is because I realized that I am somewhat selfish and that a child may “cramp my style.” Thank God I recognized this aspect about myself early in life.




As a person who has decided not to have children, I am very offended by Catherine Hutzel’s letter stating that women who choose to be childless are selfish. I wish I could put it in just one word as she did, but it is not that simple. I do not think it is selfish to consider what kind of life this child will have. I have seen several children brought into the world to fulfill a duty to society, who end up being ignored and unloved. How many women have children and a full-time job just to get away from those children? Does this produce happy, mentally healthy children? But the woman who opts not to have the children and not to do a lousy job of raising them is selfish.


Dana Point
