
Death Penalty Also Claims the Innocent


Re “Executing ‘Mental Children,’ ” editorial, Aug. 15: I was somewhat surprised by the question: “And have we executed some individuals who were innocent of the crimes for which they were convicted?” Is this a trick question? Of course innocent people have been executed! That is the tragedy of capital punishment. It isn’t that we believe ruthless killers don’t deserve to die. We have no sympathy for out-of-control monsters who are a threat to society.

However, the reason some of us support life sentences without the possibility of parole, instead of the death penalty, is because if one innocent person is executed, then the entire system is inherently wrong and should be abolished.

Timothy McVeigh deserved to die, but I would rather have seen him spend his life in jail if that would end a system that could not absolutely guarantee those being executed were guilty. And there is no absolute surety in all cases. We must end this injustice once and for all.


Craig M. Tappa

Los Angeles
