
County Firefighters Respond to Criticism


It is tempting to dismiss the mean-spirited attack by Shirley Grindle at Orange County’s public safety professionals as mere ingratitude from someone who’s obviously been fortunate enough never to need our services (“Undue Election Influence by Public Servants,” Jan. 21). However, her recent column on the influence of police and fire in the political process also contains errors and distortions that oblige us to set the record straight.

Grindle, a self-described government watchdog, fails to mention that she actively endorses candidates for public office who supposedly share her views on governance. As a partisan politico, she should also reveal that the unsuccessful candidates she recently endorsed and financially supported did not have the support and endorsement of public safety employees.

Grindle suggests that police and fire associations demand a direct quid pro quo from political candidates whom they endorse. This is not only false, it borders on slanderous. At no time has anyone in the leadership of any police or fire association made support for a particular contract a condition of endorsement. Our association’s endorsements are given on the basis of a candidate’s support for public safety and his or her commitment to provide resources needed to preserve that public safety.


Grindle is also mistaken in her suggestion that we, and the politicians we support, are improperly politicizing personnel in uniform. Our associations closely monitor how our members are depicted in political advertising. There’s never even been a suggestion that our members have shown anything but respect and reverence for the uniforms they wear.

Perhaps most discouraging is the suggestion that men and women who risk their lives to protect the public should be punished for that commitment by forfeiting their rights under the Constitution. Police and fire associations exist so that these heroes can participate in our democracy without compromising their oaths to protect and serve. The suggestion that their voices should be muzzled simply because they don’t produce a particular outcome is, quite frankly, chilling.

Orange County’s front-line firefighters and peace officers are dedicated professionals whose integrity and commitment is beyond question. Judging from the response our members receive, the public not only accepts our involvement in the process, it enthusiastically embraces it. While we respect Grindle’s right to disagree with our objectives, we make no apologies for exercising our right to advocate for those objectives.



Orange City Fire Fighters
