
Cartoonists’ Use of King Holiday


* By likening conservatives to blacks forced under Jim Crow laws to ride in the rear of the bus (editorial cartoon, Jan. 14), Michael Ramirez again tries to resort to his usual MO of cheap and irresponsible journalism that serves no real purpose other than to put a few liberals in a bad mood for a day. But this time, did he have to do it at the expense of the memory of Americans who had to suffer the indignities of second-class citizenship in a country that granted that all men are created equal? Moreover, did he have to do it on the eve of Martin Luther King Jr. Day?

What with strengthened attacks on the hard-fought efforts of King and others and the threat of a continued blurring of the separation of church and state, it hardly seems that conservatives are being oppressed. What Ramirez thought would be the cartoonist’s equivalent of a heavyweight’s sharp jab is actually the missed slap of a small-minded man.




Re “ ‘I have a nightmare that two Bushes are elected president!’ ” editorial cartoon, Jan. 15:


As usual, Paul Conrad’s cartoon expresses his visceral hatred of anyone or anything Republican. There is absolutely no evidence that former President George Bush or President-elect George W. Bush have expressed opinions or implemented programs detrimental to minorities in general and African Americans in particular. Invoking Martin Luther King Jr.’s memory to express extreme views, this cartoon is as vile as that of Jan. 3 showing George W.’s proposed Cabinet as dunces and KKK men.




I would like to know how Bush really will push for equal rights in this country. On Monday, as I was home with my children, honoring King’s birthday, I watched a news broadcast that showed Bush along with Rod Paige, the city’s school superintendent and his choice for secretary of Education, addressing a classroom of children in Houston. Tell me, why wasn’t this school in Bush’s home state closed to observe the holiday and honor such a great man?




Re “Bush Has His Work Cut Out in Mending Ties With Blacks,” Jan. 13: I was very disappointed. Your article said nothing concrete about what the African American people want or need President-elect Bush to do. It seems your primary aim was to point out the dislike of African Americans for Bush and the Republican Party. That is already a known fact (only 9% voted for Bush). So, what was your point?

As an African American, I hope that we, as a nation, will support Bush, let him know what our needs are and then hold him accountable. African American voters have been voting for Democrats for decades and we are still complaining about the same things. Where is the accountability?


Los Angeles
