


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

AVILA BEACH (Patriot Sportfishing)--28 anglers (1 boat): 83 rockcod, 85 bolina, 6 cabezon.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--75 anglers (3 boats): 31 barracuda, 53 calico bass, 11 lingcod, 100 mackerel, 47 ocean whitefish, 40 red snapper, 150 rockfish, 14 sand bass, 5 sculpin, 1 sole, 8 sheephead, 14 white seabass.

OXNARD (Cisco’s)--122 anglers (7 boats): 2 yellowtail, 27 white seabass, 70 whitefish, 54 sheephead, 13 sculpin, 323 rockfish, 2 red snapper, 7 lingcod, 4 halibut, 212 calico bass, 206 blue perch, 77 barracuda. (Captain Hook’s)--48 anglers (3 boats): 6 white seabass, 3 halibut, 60 calico bass, 92 sand bass, 50 barracuda, 110 rockfish, 7 sheephead, 5 whitefish, 1 lingcod.


PORT HUENEME--59 anglers (4 boats): 95 calico bass, 4 sheephead, 4 barracuda, 1 halibut, 107 rockfish, 167 sand bass, 60 whitefish, 1 cabezon.

MARINA DEL REY--150 anglers (6 boats): 267 calico bass, 220 sand bass, 123 rockfish, 148 rockcod, 7 halibut.

REDONDO BEACH--113 anglers (4 boats): 50 white seabass, 1 yellowtail, 247 calico bass, 48 sand bass, 3 barracuda, 2 halibut, 5 sculpin, 8 whitefish, 16 perch.

SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--89 anglers (5 boats): 32 white seabass, 11 yellowtail, 526 calico bass, 217 barracuda, 55 whitefish, 45 blue perch, 29 rockfish, 20 sand bass, 5 sculpin, 1 halibut. (22nd St. Landing)--133 anglers (5 boats): 2 white seabass, 373 calico bass, 5 sand bass, 299 barracuda, 3 halibut, 245 sculpin, 25 sheephead, 14 whitefish, 12 rockfish.

LONG BEACH (Sportfishing/Berth 55)--113 anglers (7 boats): 6 albacore, 8 yellowtail, 39 white seabass, 403 calico bass, 126 sand bass, 120 blue perch, 74 barracuda, 43 yellowfin croaker, 32 sculpin, 24 sheephead, 24 whitefish, 14 rockfish, 3 sargo, 2 black seabass (released), 1 halibut. (Marina Sportfishing)--75 anglers (4 boats): 120 barracuda, 247 calico bass, 68 sand bass, 8 rockfish, 9 sculpin, 3 sheephead, 1 halibut. (Pierpoint Landing)--118 anglers (7 boats): 5 yellowtail, 57 white seabass, 122 barracuda, 497 calico bass, 84 sand bass, 9 whitefish, 4 sculpin, 21 sheephead, 41 perch, 4 halibut, 6 rockfish.

SEAL BEACH (Big Fish)--32 anglers (2 boats): 10 barracuda, 167 calico bass, 49 sand bass, 2 halibut, 12 sculpin.


NEWPORT BEACH (Davey’s Locker)--189 anglers (8 boats): 5 albacore, 2 white seabass, 2 yellowtail, 425 barracuda, 312 calico bass, 176 sand bass, 22 bonito, 3 halibut, 15 rockfish, 8 sheephead, 5 sculpin, 75 mackerel.

DANA WHARF--124 anglers (6 boats): 175 barracuda, 246 calico bass, 61 sand bass, 114 mackerel, 2 yellowtail, 1 halibut, 6 sculpin, 9 albacore.

OCEANSIDE (Helgren’s)--93 anglers (5 boats): 1 yellowtail, 475 barracuda, 144 calico bass, 46 sand bass, 4 halibut, 11 sculpin.

SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--135 anglers (6 boats): 306 albacore, 336 yellowtail, 6 bonito. (Seaforth)--145 anglers (8 boats): 126 albacore, 1 white seabass, 59 yellowtail, 14 bonito, 104 barracuda, 402 kelp bass, 13 sand bass, 39 rockfish, 8 ocean whitefish, 3 sheephead, 5 sculpin, 10 mackerel. (Islandia)--71 anglers (4 boats): 2 yellowtail, 5 bonito, 70 barracuda, 146 calico bass, 10 sand bass, 32 whitefish, 17 sculpin, 8 rockfish, 30 albacore.
