
Rights and the Drug War


* Peter H. Smith’s “In the Grip of Drug War Logic, an ‘Isolated Incident’ Isn’t” (Opinion, April 29) seemed to be on track until he suggested that the drug war’s proponents simply need to regroup. If the “U.S. government should give top priority to the reduction of demand,” what form should such efforts take? More government-approved sitcom scripts on network television? The demonization of cash--another one of Smith’s suggestions--has already led to the seizure of assets belonging to innocent people here in the U.S., many of whom have to fight to get back what rightfully belongs to them.

Libertarians are the only people to continually point out how many politicians are addicted to the war on drugs. Hopefully, the tragic death in Peru of the American missionary and her child will be our final wake-up call.


Garden Grove


The slaughter of innocent missionaries and suspected drug traffickers with CIA support reveals a revolting double standard in our society. Within our borders we wring our hands over the legality of detainment, searches and racial profiling by our law enforcement agencies, while abroad we tacitly endorse the execution of those merely suspected of drug trafficking. Would we be comfortable with a standard of justice like this at home?



Sherman Oaks
