
Ultrasonic Pest Devices Under Fire

<i> From Inman News Features</i>

The Federal Trade Commission’s Division of Enforcement has sent warning letters to more than 60 manufacturers and retailers of ultrasonic pest-control devices, stating that efficacy claims about those products must be supported by scientific evidence.

FTC staff reviewed print and catalog advertisements and a search of Web sites marketing such services. The FTC found that many of the advertisements make explicit claims about the products’ ability to eliminate rodents or repel insects. According to staff, these types of claims may not be in compliance with the FTC act, which prohibits false and deceptive advertising.

In the last 15 years, the FTC has brought law enforcement actions against six companies that allegedly made false and unsubstantiated claims about the effectiveness of ultrasonic devices in controlling rodent and insect infestations. Each of those cases was resolved by consent order.


The warning letters urge manufacturers and retailers of ultrasonic pest-control devices to examine their advertising and ensure they have competent and reliable scientific evidence to support claims that a product eliminates or repels certain pests.
