
War: Another Play in the Game of Nations


War is good business for the well situated, and this is harvest time. We are merely witnessing another brief chapter in the centuries-old game of nations. Preventing any and all Muslim unity and cohesion (recently directed toward the Arab populations) has been the West’s objective long before the decision was made to create Israel, a European-serving colony in the heart of the Arab world.

Hence, we employ the destructive policies of arming and then fighting the myriad dictatorial Arab regimes in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya and, most recently, Afghanistan (all fine examples of the divide-and-rule method). This unholy game continues in no small part to ensure that big-power control of the resources and strategic assets of the Middle East goes unchallenged. Then there are the oppressed, discontented Muslim majorities in these lands and across the globe who, in turn, come to despise us. And who can truly blame them?

Jevdet Rexhepi

Simi Valley
