
Federalized Screeners Add Up to Security

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Thomas Sled, in a Nov. 24 letter criticizing the federalization of airport security, notes that it will accord workers “a federal pension plan much better than most of us have, a federal health plan much better than most of us have and, as federal employees, they will get more holidays, vacation days and sick days off than most of us do.”

The fact that corporate America no longer feels any responsibility to provide such benefits to workers is hardly an indictment of federalized airport security; indeed, Sled’s critique seems to be more of an indictment of the amorality of advanced capitalism. While I’m a firm believer in the benefits of free markets, things have gone too far if we now begrudge our fellow Americans what we used to take for granted.

D. Scott Malsin

Culver City


I, for one, am very happy that federal employees will be taking over the security at LAX. Possibly Sled should apply for one of these jobs himself, since he enumerates the advantages of high pay, benefits, etc., that are available. In answer to Bob Driscoll’s letter: Yes, I do feel safer now. I have avoided flying out of LAX since Sept. 11 but will now resume.

Metche Franke

Laguna Woods
