
Questions Remain Over Negroponte’s Past


Re “Negroponte Not to Blame for Excesses,” letter, Oct. 9: In order to excuse and defend U.N. Ambassador John Negroponte, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher attempts to spin the Contra-Sandinista war. He labels allies who committed rape, torture and murder against civilian populations as “less than admirable” and calls their acts “excesses.” He mentions communist insurgents murdering thousands but fails to mention that the U.S.-supported Contra forces killed as many as 15,000 Nicaraguan civilians. He touts the 1990 elections in Nicaragua as a breakthrough, despite the fact that, since the “democratic elections,” over 70% of Nicaraguans now live in poverty, infant mortality and illiteracy rates have risen and life expectancy rates have fallen.

According to a CIA inspector general’s report released Aug. 27, 1997, and declassified to the Senate in 1998, it was found that the Honduran military and Battalion 316 had in fact committed human rights violations. The CIA station in Honduras downplayed the severity of said violations and CIA reports to Congress were sometimes “inaccurate.” This report directly contradicts the reports submitted by Negroponte during his tenure as ambassador to Honduras. Either Negroponte was lying to Congress in order to continue military aid to Honduras or he was extremely remiss in his duties.

Eric Lind

Costa Mesa
