
It Takes Effort to Complete Your Six-Pack

Stephanie Oakes is the fitness correspondent for Discovery Health Channel and a health/fitness consultant

Question: I work my abs hard and I am developing a four-pack. I just can’t seem to firm up my lower abs. Can you help?


Answer: The key to acquiring that coveted six-or eight-pack is strongly linked to your exercise program and dietary habits. Your regimen should work all the major muscle groups of the body. Multi-joint exercises (also called compound movements) have a tremendously positive effect on the entire body and will help you develop the midsection you want. Examples of multi-joint exercises are deadlifts, squats, dips, pull-ups and shoulder presses.

The lower abs cannot be isolated from the upper abs in any abdominal exercise. To test, put two fingers on your upper abdominal muscle and two of the other hand on your lower abdominal region. Now squeeze your upper abdominal as hard as possible, and test the lower region; it should be contracted also. In most people, especially men, the lower ab region is where body fat is stored. If you wish to burn the fat and tighten this area try these tips:


1. Reduce your daily caloric intake by about 300 calories.

2. Add an additional day of intense cardiovascular exercise (30 to 40 minutes).

3. Train with weights progressively, increasing pounds or repetitions as often as possible.

4. Drink plenty of water.

5. Pick one or two exercises for your abs that allow you to complete two to three sets of 15-25 reps in a controlled manner. When the reps get easier, increase the poundage.
