
‘Reasoned Response’ Defined by Values


Many Americans want vengeance. But that is also terrorism, under a different name. Hopefully, our government will act forcefully but without vengeance to neutralize those who attack us, not to reenact our tragedy in another country.

We must also take significant measures inside our country to be better prepared. It is inexcusable that foreigners who were legally admitted to the U.S. many months ago could use American soil and American resources to train and mount an attack while escaping notice from American intelligence. Detective work to identify perpetrators and their supporters after the fact cannot deter fanatics. To protect ourselves requires an effective domestic intelligence organization that is not preoccupied--as is the FBI--with law-enforcement tasks.

Yes, greater domestic vigilance will jeopardize our civil liberties. But that threat can be managed. Ignorance cannot.


Julius “Jay” Wachtel PhD

Asst. Prof., Division of Political

Science and Criminal Justice

Cal State Fullerton


Can this tragedy cement a unified world coalition against terrorism? Should the majority of countries of the world unite in a pact to defeat terrorists, it would be a gigantic step forward in world peace. NATO has enacted Article 5, that any act against a constituent nation is an act against all members of NATO. China and Russia have announced their stances against terrorists. India and Pakistan should be invited to be active partners against terrorists. The Arab world should also be encouraged to participate in eradicating terrorism.

Don Marone

Rancho Palos Verdes


A few brief days since our nation’s greatest tragedy, with all the dead not yet brought back from the dark pit, and the sunshine patriots have begun their whining pleas for forgiveness and inaction. Pleas that only serve to mask the lack of courage, understanding and resolve that these people fail to recognize in themselves. These blind, weak, self-centered folks slept soundly and peacefully last night, never understanding how the sacrifices of law enforcement and military personnel over the past decades made that possible.


I have a message for you: Lead, follow or get out of the way. We are going to war. We will save this country and your way of life for you, but we don’t have to put up with your nonsense, and we won’t step around you as we go.

Mike Post



America must make the appropriate response. But it must be such that future historical accounts will end with “the response was effective and cool heads prevailed.”

Paul D. Blumstein

Rancho Palos Verdes


I suppose that in the next few weeks we’ll all discover how much ideas like “freedom” and “liberty” really mean to us. As a nation, we are now forced to make a choice: Do we die on our feet or live on our knees?

Nicholas Keezer

Los Angeles
