
U.S-Saudi Relations Come Under Scrutiny


In his Aug. 21 commentary, “U.S.-Saudi Rift Rewards Terrorists,” Hassan Yassin asserts that Osama bin Laden chose Saudis for 9/11 to create a Saudi-U.S. rift--and ignores the obvious, that he chose them for the same reason that NBA coaches select blacks for their basketball teams. They were his best source. He claims the friendship of many Saudis but discards the fact that their Arabic publications are full of anti-U.S. vitriol. And he is oblivious to what 9/11 families are claiming: that Saudi Arabia is a principal source and conduit of funding for terrorism. Yes, aided by the Saudis, the U.S.-Saudi rift rewards terrorists.

Gerald L. Landsman

Huntington Beach


As many others, I have read numerous articles, essays and diatribes about the aftereffects of Sept. 11, but none has moved me as much as Yassin’s words. He speaks for so many of us who hold out hope that even through our national and international tragedy, the actions of a few will not destroy our hard-won personal and governmental friendships. Only when we, as a global family of nations, can look beyond outward appearances and religious differences and appreciate the value within will we overcome those who would seek to annihilate us all.

B.R. Montgomery

Playa del Rey


How’s that again? Could it be that it is U.S.-Saudi relations that reward terrorism? Are there not militant Muslims born in Saudi Arabia who support and spread terrorism in the Middle East and throughout the world? How many Saudis became martyrs on 9/11, likely the worst terrorist experience visited on the United States? On terrorism, the Saudis are experts. Take away oil. What then would be the basis for U.S.-Saudi friendship? Really, any?


Sheldon Kronfeld

San Diego
