
Music Fans Left Out by Industry, Technology


Let’s see now, the music industry would like us all to abandon the CD format, discard all our CDs, CD players and CD burners, and instead buy the new, more expensive DataPlay system and discs so we’ll never be able to make another “illegal” copy of music again [“New Disk a Contender for CD’s Titles,” Feb. 18].

As blank CDs and CD replication costs have gone down over the years, retail music CDs keep getting more and more expensive, gouging the consumer.

What we want is technology that makes it easy to make our own personalized copies of music whenever we want, however we want. Anything less is a step backward. We’re not pirates or criminals. We simply want a fair shake.


Good luck selling the DataPlay, guys. I’ll just keep my old-tech CDs, thank you.

Will Ray

