
Mississippi Adopts a Cuddly New Symbol

From Times Wire Reports

As of today, teddy bears will have official status as the state toy of Mississippi.

Mississippi claims a distinctive reason for declaring teddy bears the state toy.

This year marked the 100th anniversary of a hunting expedition by President Theodore Roosevelt in the Mississippi Delta.

After three days without success, the president was offered a captive bear to kill, and he refused.

A political cartoonist depicted Roosevelt’s humane act, and toy bears thereafter became widely known as teddy bears.


Hillman Frazier was one of two state senators opposing the bill, calling it a frivolous distraction at a time lawmakers should be working harder to support Medicaid and education.

“If we’re going to adopt a state toy, based on what I’ve seen this session, it should be the football because we’re good at punting,” Frazier said.
