
American Muslims Can Show Islam’s True Face


I read Aslam Abdullah’s July 3 commentary, “I Will Pray for America’s Safety,” and I have to say this is by far the first time I have read such a strong, positive column written by a Muslim man. I am an Arab Muslim woman who immigrated to the U.S. 12 years ago. I was on a journey to escape from the oppression and persecution my native land imposed on all citizens, especially women.

Aslam, you are my brother, and I will be standing by you, praying every day to protect this great country and its generous people, who not only allowed but welcomed me to be one of them and to enjoy their freedom and land. Let’s come together to change the horrifying mask that these morally and mentally corrupted terrorists have put on us. We need to remove this mask and show America our true face.

Wafa Sultan

