
U.S. Border Policy Not to Blame for Deaths

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How does anyone justify blaming U.S. border policy for deaths so obviously caused by greedy smugglers who value currency over life (“Deaths of 6 Reignite Border Debate,” June 26)? And why point fingers at the government that is trying desperately to protect not only the economy and the rights of its legal citizens but to safeguard the lives of would-be immigrants who might be dissuaded in the face of tighter security?

Never mind that it is imperative that this country get a firm grasp on its points of entry. Let’s instead lighten up on all our security; invite everyone in whenever they like. Then we won’t have to worry about smugglers and their naive passengers--just terrorists, overpopulation, economic disaster and higher taxes for legal citizens. Yes, that definitely sounds like a better plan. Oh, puh-leeze. Sounds like a knee-jerk reaction by an opportunist finding a “suitable” party to sue.

Dana A. S. Rakoczy

