
Memorial Set for Slain Reporter


A community memorial for slain Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl is planned for March 9 at his alma mater, Birmingham Senior High School in Van Nuys.

The school’s principal, Doris Lasiter, said tentative plans are underway for a gathering of religious and civic leaders, music ensembles and school choirs.

Mike Saunders, who graduated with Pearl in 1981, is helping to establish a college scholarship in his classmate’s name that would be awarded to a Birmingham student aspiring to a career in international journalism.


Pearl, 38, was abducted in the Pakistani port city of Karachi on Jan. 23 while investigating local ties between alleged “shoe bomber” Richard C. Reid and Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda network.

Before news of his death on Feb. 21, organizers had planned a vigil at Encino’s Lanai Elementary School, which Pearl also attended. The location was later changed to the high school.

The memorial is tentatively scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at Birmingham Senior High, 17000 Haynes St.
