
‘Israel’s Job Is to Defend Itself’


“‘Martyrs’ Leading War on Israel” (March 8), about the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, shows the fallacy of believing in the Oslo accords. These murderers are affiliated with Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat, who is supposed to be the peacemaker. The West trained them and armed them, and now they are killing innocent men, women and children. Until they are disarmed there will be no peace.

It also shows Arafat’s true colors. These are his men. So he is either unable to control them or unwilling to control them. In either case he is not a partner to peace, and until new Palestinian leadership that is willing to stop this violence takes control there will be no peace. Israel’s job is to defend itself. These killers readily admit that innocent victims are their targets. We in the U.S. would never allow killers to just do as they wish. Why should Israel?

Betzalel N. Eichenbaum



Whoever was in charge of security at the Atzmona site of the tragic massacre should be court-martialed (“Violence Escalates in Fresh Round of Bloody Attacks,” March 8). There is absolutely no excuse for why security cannot be maintained and settlers protected. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon continually blasts out that he wants to protect Israelis. He is doing a pretty poor job. Is anyone in charge of internal security? If security cannot be maintained then Israel should get out of the settlements.


Norman Mann

San Diego


Finally, Secretary of State Colin Powell has spoken against the escalating atrocities committed by Sharon and his government (“Powell Criticizes Israeli Strategy,” March 7). For too long, the blame and the responsibility to end the violence have been placed on the oppressed--the Palestinians. But the one that truly has the power to stop the violence is the Israeli government.

Nadia Afghani



It is not only the Saudis who face a disastrous future if the Palestinian-Israeli conflict drags on (Commentary, March 1). Everyone in the region, including the Israelis, is looking at a gloomy future. By 2020 the population of the region will have doubled. Over 350 million people will live in cities that are already overcrowded and underserved. Shortages of water, among other things, will be regionwide events.

Israel cannot remain insular while all this is going on. It will not remain immune from these regional developments. There is a lot to look forward to when there is peace based on a two-state solution to this conflict: Israel and Palestine living side by side based on mutual respect and coexistence. In war, Israelis will suffer and Palestinians will suffer. In peace, both will prosper.

Mahmood Ibrahim

Professor of History

Cal Poly Pomona
