
Bills Would Let Churches Be More Politically Active

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Religious groups are divided over legislation pushed by House Republicans to allow them to be more politically active without imperiling their tax-exempt status.

Supporters of the bills include conservative groups such as the Christian Coalition, the Family Research Council, Americans for Tax Reform and the Assn. of Christian Schools International. On the other side are many Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists.

The measures would lift the Internal Revenue Service’s effective ban on political activity at America’s churches, synagogues and mosques. Both measures are aimed at allowing religious leaders the right to free political speech, giving them the ability to endorse candidates who agree with their moral teachings.


“The appropriate level, if any, of political speech should be decided by the church and its parishioners, not the Internal Revenue Service,” Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) told the House Ways and Means Committee oversight panel this week.

The prohibition on political activity was imposed in 1954 by Congress on all 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations under an amendment offered by then-Sen. Lyndon Johnson (D-Texas). Before that, religious leaders were freely involved in political debate.

Religious groups and the government have locked horns frequently over the years when it comes to politics and the Constitution’s guarantees of both free speech and freedom of religion. After a decade-long battle, the IRS concluded in 1999 that the Christian Coalition should not be tax-exempt because of its distribution of voter guides in churches.


Yet examples abound of politicians appearing before congregations in none-too-subtle endorsements by religious leaders. The law now allows tax-exempt religious groups to sponsor debates, conduct voter registration drives, and speak out and lobby on issues.

Steven Miller, director of the IRS exempt organizations division, said religious groups cross a legal line when they take a position on politicians or political initiatives. In the last 25 years, he said, only two churches and five religious organizations have lost their tax-exempt status over political issues. Some said that could be because of the law’s current muzzling effect.

“I think you would have another player in the political arena” if the legislation were to be passed, Miller said.


The bills, sponsored by Jones and Rep. Phil Crane (R-Ill.), may get no further than Tuesday’s subcommittee hearing in this session of Congress. Still, House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) said he would “probably” schedule a floor vote if it is approved by the Ways and Means Committee.
