
National Alert Scheme: Don’t Color Him Yellow

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Re “N.Y. Landmarks Targeted in Terrorism Warning,” May 22:

I awaken in my home in Topanga under “code yellow,” under Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge’s color scheme. I shower, eat breakfast and drive to work in Century City, as I have done for the last 20 years. I work until noon, then go to a local restaurant for lunch. I work until 6 in the evening, then meet my wife (who works in Santa Monica) for dinner at a restaurant on Montana Avenue. We drive home along the Pacific Coast Highway and Topanga Canyon Boulevard in separate cars. At home we both read for a while, then watch the news on TV and go to bed.

I do not know what we would do differently if we awakened the next morning under a “code orange” or a “code red.” Or, for that matter, if Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld were out in our driveway with bullhorns trumpeting the end of civilization as we know it. I would probably tell them to get out of the way so that my wife and I could drive to work.

Ronald Rubin



Re “Daschle Joins Those Urging Independent 9/11 Inquiry,” May 22: Once again Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) gropes in the dark, searching for any possible leverage and footing for his staggering party as he calls for an independent panel to investigate government action before Sept. 11. This latest example of poor timing and political judgment is cause for Republicans everywhere to breathe easier, as the majority leader’s actions will only further expose his own party’s incompetence and missed opportunities under the previous administration’s terror watch.


So we applaud Daschle’s efforts and encourage him to look deep and hard as he shines the light for all Americans to see the true motives of his party, as our president continues to dismantle and own the Democrats’ sacred election issues.

Dan Bovee

Magalia, Calif.


As usual, Robert Scheer gets it right (“Hiding Behind a Veil of Executive Privilege?” Commentary, May 21). Who among us wouldn’t ask questions of the right people when a report comes in about possible terrorist hijackings in this country?

I don’t think the American people can be duped about this, but the dictatorial spin that, more strongly than I’ve ever seen, discourages people to speak out is strong-arming our people and sending us down a very dangerous path.


Sheila Hoff

Rancho Palos Verdes


As usual, Scheer is comically loony with his speculations and leaps with regard to “what Bush knew.” Connecting the dots is one thing; making them up is something else again.

Scheer apparently cannot face the fact that the Clinton administration is, without question, most responsible for what occurred on Sept. 11. Clinton’s evisceration of the intelligence agencies, his lack of interest in foreign policy except when it served his momentary purpose, his disrespect for the military and American defense in general, his dearth of concern for anything beyond his own persona: These are the factors that left this nation open to such an egregious attack, an attack that was in the works years before President Bush took office.

Yes, the CIA, the FBI and the FAA are culpable, but Bill Clinton bears the ultimate responsibility--if it is to be laid at the feet of one man. I can just imagine what Scheer would be writing if Bush had had specific advance knowledge and as a result had detained and investigated Arab air passengers or grounded all air traffic. He’d be shrieking about civil rights violations, racism and the administration’s paranoia.


Patricia McCarthy



Seems as if every time the Bush administration comes under scrutiny, we have a new terror warning. Let’s hope the two aren’t related.

Ritas Smith

