
Bush Works on His Monument

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Re “Parks Proposal Alarms Activists” and “Judge Drops Frog Habitat Protections,” Nov. 13: The Times logs yet another pair of environmental safeguards being tossed out the window, courtesy of President “Pave It All Over” Bush and his administration. Snowmobilers can once again assault Yellowstone in winter, and red-legged frogs are no longer protected from development and all-terrain assault vehicles (and that industry) in California.

The Muslim countries with which we are at odds refer to Bush as the “Great Satan.” When it concerns our environment, that moniker fits the current U.S. president like a glove.

Ron Romanosky



During my time as a Yellowstone ranger, I met countless park visitors, and most expected the park service to do everything in its power to preserve the national heritage for future generations. Sadly, Bush doesn’t appear to share this desire. The president’s plan to scrap a Yellowstone snowmobile phaseout and replace it with measures that “minimize” snowmobile damage is a prime example of his reluctance to give the parks the full protection they deserve.


When it comes to the national parks, the American public has a long memory. Teddy Roosevelt, for example, is still revered for his work to block private forces from destroying our public lands and waters. In recognition of his tireless commitment to conservation, Roosevelt’s face was chiseled into Mt. Rushmore. Similarly, Bush’s environmental policies will be long remembered. However, it seems that a toxic landfill might be the only appropriate monument to the president’s environmental legacy.

Sean Smith

Public Lands Director

Bluewater Network

San Francisco
