
The Vatican’s Stance on Gay Marriage


Considering the irresponsible behavior the Vatican demonstrated while protecting its pedophilia-crazed clergy, I find its position of moral judgment ironic and laughable (Aug. 1). The Vatican, under the guidance of Pope John Paul II and advisors such as papal spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls, has continually steeped itself in moral and pious hypocrisy. This latest elbowing tactic of the church into what are clearly state affairs will continue to drive an even deeper wedge between the Catholic Church and its members.

Those of us who have made difficult choices to live an honest and open existence and to forge bonds with those in our community based on like-minded views of what is and is not moral left the outmoded Catholic Church long ago.

Bill Harrison

Los Angeles


So now President Bush has determined that marriage is only for men and women (July 31-Aug. 1). For those gay persons who have had lifelong companions die in their arms, I’m certain they’ll be relieved to know that Bush and religious conservatives don’t think their feelings matter.


Meanwhile, we are asked to take a long look at the bodies of the Hussein boys, dead and mutilated on slabs, and thus be reminded of the good works of Bush and his Bible.

Douglas Soesbe

Sherman Oaks


It’s time somebody stepped up and debunked the ridiculous notion that there is a “sanctity” about marriage and that it is ordained to be between a man and a woman. God did not invent marriage -- people did. And the only real reason for institutionalizing the union between two people is so society can keep track of women, children and property. If two people of the same sex want to pool their resources and have the same “privileges” as a traditional married couple, more power to them.

And by the by, if marriage is so holy, how come divorce is so easy?

Joel Rapp

Los Angeles
