
Eviction of Monks From Monastery Is Protested

From Times Wire Reports

More than 600 people chanting “orthodoxy or death” protested a decision to forcibly evict rebellious Orthodox monks from a monastery on Mt. Athos.

The monks oppose efforts to improve relations between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. That has put them at odds with Orthodox leaders.

Last month, religious authorities at Mt. Athos told 117 residents of the monastery of Esphigmenou -- one of 20 on the mountain -- to leave. Police have orders to expel any monks who leave the walled compound, but the officers say they will not storm the building. The monks claim to have enough food to remain in the 1,000-year-old monastery for two years.


“Forces of evil have surrounded the monastery. They have taken decisions to defrock the monks, but we will not allow it,” said Dionissios Avramides, a member of the Friends of Esphigmenou Society, which organized the recent demonstration in support of the rebels.
