
U.S. Should Keep Aid, Ideas Out of the Mideast


Well, here we go again. The U.S.A., a.k.a. Unlimited Suckers Associated, is called upon to send more money, along with our lifestyle that creates this money, to bail out the failed economies of the Middle East (“Job Growth an Antidote to Mideast Violence,” Jan 26).

Why are these countries, the cradle of civilization, commerce and trade, bankrupt?

They are ruled by corrupt, venal elites who hog 95% of the oil wealth for themselves, leaving their people in poverty. Then they blame the U.S. and Israel for the misery of their people.

As an outlet, these elites pander to an extreme form of Islam that rejects, out of hand, the very notion of Western ideas of progress, and educates the masses in fervid hatred of the same.


The fact is, no country can truly accept our aid in dollars without also accepting the ethos and culture that created this wealth in the first place. Yet, the latter creates the very hatred that creates the violence, which itself shuts down any hope of economic revival.

The Arab world needs to look inward and heal itself and share the great oil wealth it creates among its own people. The U.S. should simply butt out.

Maude Ham

