
U.S. Pressures the U.N. With Troops in Place


Re “Britain, U.S. Declare Iraq Missed Chance,” Feb. 25: President Bush is hell-bent on unilaterally, if necessary, enforcing United Nations Resolution 1441, which states that Iraq will face “serious consequences” if it does not immediately disarm. On the other hand, Bush apparently intends to violate the U.N. Charter (Chapter I, Article 2, Section 4), which states, “All members shall refrain ... from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”

Where is the outrage at this duplicity? Just who does the president think he is to pick and choose which rules apply? I want a president who will adhere to international law and not try to manipulate it to fit his own selfish agenda.

Alan Perry

Thousand Oaks


Those countries that would veto a new resolution leading to military action against Iraq have little sympathy for the cost and effort of positioning more than 100,000 U.S. troops in the region indefinitely. The problem is that it was a U.S. decision, not a U.N. decision, to start mobilizing for war at the onset of inspections, rather than waiting for results. This strategy may have caused Iraq to do the unimaginable: cooperate with inspectors. The only remaining debate is how fully Iraq has cooperated, a difficult pretext on which to launch an attack.


If the U.S.-British resolution on the table is rebuffed, it leaves us with three apparent choices: (1) go it alone; (2) wait for U.N. approval for military action (maybe never); (3) bring our troops home.

Unless the president can demonstrate a clear and present danger, something that does not appear probable, I vote for No. 3.

William Goldman

Palos Verdes Estates


Re “Bush Set to Be Pivot in Diplomacy,” Feb. 25: Diplomacy? The man doesn’t have that word in his vocabulary.

Don Smith

La Mirada


Nobody likes war. No sane person. Nevertheless, we have American sons and daughters in the field preparing to remove a cancer from the Middle East. Did the antiwar protesters forget the twin towers? Looks like it.

Wake up, Hollywood: You’re entertainers, not leaders. Regular people are getting sick of your we-know-better-than-you attitudes. We pay you to make good movies, not to dishonor the efforts of those who defend us.

Ramon T. Perez

San Bernardino


Regarding war with Iraq, I am filled with ambivalence. However, I think it’s an outrage that taxes are cut for the wealthiest tier in American life just when we are waging a campaign against terrorism and contemplating war on Iraq with a possible decade-long presence to “rebuild Iraq” and introduce democracy to that sorry region. All of these efforts require trillions of dollars. Any sane administration would be shoring up, not depleting, our reserves.


I would also suggest that an excess war profits tax be levied now. American servicemen should not be put in harm’s way while other Americans stand by and get rich from their sacrifice.

Ellen Switkes

Sherman Oaks
