
Every Helmet Needs a Fastened Chinstrap


Re “Helmet Law -- an Extra Obstacle?,” Jan. 2:

It’s about time the state enacted a helmet law for those riding skateboards, scooters and inline skates that matches the bicycle helmet law for minors. How any parent can argue with this measure is beyond me. As a former professional skateboarder, I suffered the setback of a concussion when skating, and I was wearing a helmet. Likely, I wouldn’t be writing this letter today if I didn’t have my “brain bucket” on that day.

But this measure has one major drawback: getting the rider to wear the helmet correctly. A helmet that is not strapped snugly or adjusted properly, or is worn with a hat underneath, is about as good as no helmet at all.

All too frequently, I see kids with their helmets worn on the back portion of their head or with straps flying. Helmets not properly worn, or no helmet at all when biking, skating, inline skating, riding a scooter -- oh, and let’s not forget Heelies (shoes with wheels) -- will likely promote the participant to the FBI: Future Brain Injured!


David K. Singer

Costa Mesa
