
No sympathy for the rich who whine

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I read the article about the nannies and employers attending Lisa Loomer’s “Living Out” with rising disgust (“Domestic Drama,” by Michael Quintanilla, March 1). One of the mothers, trying to make a case for how it’s hard not only for the nanny but for the employer as well, claims that “you can make $200,000 a year and you are still struggling to pay your bills every month,” because a higher income demands a higher standard of living.

My question is: Why? $200,000 a year would be riches untold for my family! Perhaps the upper crust of Los Angeles society is unable to support itself, but I for one wash my own clothes, cook my own food, clean my own apartment and watch my own children -- and on far, far less than the $200,000 with which some can’t meet the bills.

I don’t think any nanny struggling to support herself and her children on $8,320 a year -- one of the nannies said that one employer paid her $160 a week -- is going to have any sympathy for such whining.


I certainly don’t.

Catherine Hodge

Canoga Park


YOUR article on nannies and their bosses is missing an important component. Why is it that when the issue of child care is discussed, there is generally no mention of men’s responsibility in this most important of joint ventures? Where are the husbands, fathers, partners of these women?

Please don’t tell talented people to stay home. Create the type of corporate culture that supports an even division of child care time for mothers and fathers to contribute to the happiness and health of their children, and then we can talk business. It is not right, and it is not fair, for the many women who have to bring home the money and benefits, and then assume the care of the kids.

Victoria Lee-Jerrems

Van Nuys
