
Dismay on Homefront

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Never in my lifetime did I think I would be watching the ultimate reality show: all war, all the time. The news media describe the bombing of Baghdad as a spectacular pyrotechnics show and seem to view this war as the ultimate entertainment/sporting event, with their color commentators; i.e., retired military officers analyzing what they see on the screen and anticipating what will happen next.

There is a serious disconnect here when we can view the bombing of a city as something to celebrate or when we can view scenes of live fire battles with remote detachment. Have we forgotten that our children are out there? That some of these young people may become casualties in this misguided war and may come back in body bags?

I am dismayed that any sane person can proclaim himself or herself to be “pro-war” without seriously thinking about the consequences and the aftereffects of war.



Mationg Raymundo



Re “Bush Praises Strategy, Warns of Long Battle,” March 27: So let’s see, President Bush can talk in front of supporters or in front of cameras. He can also hold a friendly press conference with friendly journalists; Secretary of State Colin Powell, Gen. Tommy Franks, White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer or Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld can handle the trickier conferences.

If Bush really wants to prove his mettle, he should start by having a speech or a press conference in front of people who don’t necessarily agree with him. As mentioned in your article: “The president and his aides apparently believe he’s better off if he avoids settings where he could face skeptical questions from the public or the news media.” That’s right.

Mason Malugeon

Huntington Beach


They said our precision-guided weapons would “shock and awe” the Iraqis into submission. They said Iraqi troops would surrender in droves. They said the Iraqi people would rise up against Saddam Hussein. They said we would be greeted with flowers and songs. They said Hussein would not last a week. What else have they been wrong about? And how much more must we spend in lives and money to find out?


William Cramer



The American people have fierce loyalty for their loved ones, the troops in battle, but still maintain deep concern over the bizarre direction the Bush administration has embarked upon. The attempt to couple support for the administration with the support for our troops is disturbing and unnecessary. The Bush administration officials who think the American public can think of only one thing at a time are wrong.

Kurt Kroeger

San Dimas
