
Tuition Change Would Hurt U.S.-Born Students

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Re “The Dream of Education,” editorial, April 28: For every illegal alien admitted into a state university system, another American citizen or legal student will be rejected. It’s likely that illegal immigrants seeking in-state tuition at public universities aren’t responsible for violating our laws, having been brought into this country illegally by their parents. But it’s also true that American citizens and legal residents who’ll be rejected when illegal aliens are added to the queue are being punished for the actions of illegal alien parents. To me, this is unconscionable.

According to a recent Roper poll, 85% of Americans consider illegal immigration to be a serious problem -- a majority believing it to be “very serious.” Two-thirds said the U.S. should set the goal of completely halting illegal immigration and should reduce the number of foreign nationals illegally residing in the U.S. to “near zero.” Illegal immigration is repudiated by our laws, by our people and by the facts, and it’s high time to enforce our immigration laws as written, instead of flouting and weakening them.

Michael Scott



Basically I agree with your position of educating deserving children of illegal immigrants. However, there needs to be some cost for the illegal act. I propose that anyone can become a U.S. citizen by performing two years of military service. Israel demands that. Why shouldn’t we? The students would then meet the citizenship requirements.


Larry Severson

Fountain Valley


Re “Mexican ID Card Measure Goes to Senate,” April 29: In 1994, 60% of the California voters approved an initiative to limit aid to illegal aliens. Subsequently, the initiative was declared unconstitutional by a federal judge based primarily on the principle that only the federal government has the right to enact laws regulating or involving immigration matters. Gov. Gray Davis decided not to appeal to a higher court.

The Assembly, by mandating that all state, county and local governments must accept the matricula consular card issued by the Mexican government, without verification of information and identity by immigration officials in the Homeland Security Department, clearly has usurped the authority of the federal government. The only thing this card proves, without other U.S. documentation, is that the bearer is in our country illegally.

Ray Sholes

