
Probation Isn’t Enough for Cop-Turned-Thief

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Re “Stolen Watercraft Lands Policeman in Hot Water,” May 17:

Let me see if I got this straight. Trent Harris, “longtime Newport police sergeant,” steals a $4,000 watercraft from the Boy Scouts and hides it in his garage. He gets caught and instead of a felony conviction to haunt him the rest of his life, he gets it reduced to a misdemeanor and is let off with probation. Plus, at the ripe old age of 46, he gets a “disability pension,” which means that Newport Beach will be paying him $40,000 or $50,000 each year from now until doomsday. Who says there is no justice? Being fair, Trent is probably a nice guy, beloved by his former co-workers, but let’s be real.

Dale Jennings

San Diego
