
Democracy Enhances World Stability

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Stephen Krasner (“We Don’t Know How to Build Democracy,” Opinion, Nov. 16) quotes President Bush as saying that “the advance of freedom” is both “the calling of our time” and “the calling of our country.” There is much truth to Bush’s statements. The advent of the jet airplane, rapid communication systems throughout the world with the Internet, satellites, weapons of mass destruction with delivery systems of less than one hour and 9/11 have made an isolation policy obsolete.

This country has proved to the world that democracy, with free expression economically, politically and socially, does work. Those countries ruled by democratic principles have flourished. The U.S. has contributed greatly to the world economy by sharing our technology and contributing to foreign countries from our purchases abroad. When did you last purchase an item of clothing or an automobile made in the U.S.?

The U.S. maintains good relationships with nations with democratic principles. Our problems seem to emanate from countries with despotic rulers. Has the future come down to democracy versus despotism? What will happen when terrorists or angry tyrants get hold of weapons of mass destruction? At this time in history, the full cooperation of all nations, as in the United Nations, in a democratic fashion, is of the utmost importance and need.


David Hertz



Krasner says “we don’t know how to build democracy.” But the process seems to be working in Iraq. An unelected government is giving sweetheart contracts to cronies. Welcome to democracy American-style, Iraq.

Jerry Bradley

Santa Barbara
