
Useful Technology Improves Prior Efforts

Re “Raging Against the Machine,” Commentary, Jan. 28: In his very biased tirade against Microsoft, Theodore Roszak accuses it of “borrowing” the Macintosh graphical interface from Apple. As a matter of fact, Apple previously “borrowed” it from Xerox. Roszak, as a history professor, should understand that much, if not all, of our current technology results from improvements over someone else’s prior versions and ideas.

Roszak reveals himself to be merely a whining Microsoft-basher when he calls it a “ruthless monopoly” and says that it “contaminated the industry.” The truth is, its very effective and useful software has enabled hundreds of millions of people worldwide to be more productive in their endeavors. Stick to your Mac, professor, and leave Windows and Microsoft alone.

Al Azose

Van Nuys
