
Humans coming off the menu

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Shark attacks worldwide have declined in recent years as people get shark-savvy. But this may not be the good news it seems: It may mean human attacks on sharks are wiping the creatures off the planet, one report suggests.

The University of Florida’s International Shark Attack File reports shark attacks dropped from an all-time high of 79 in 2000 to 55 last year.

Shark file director George Burgess thinks the danger is diminishing. Overfishing has depleted shark stocks, and an economic slump has kept people from the beach, while those who swim and surf are wising up to shark dangers.


Sharks attacked most often off the coast of North America -- 41 times last year, 31 of those off Florida. Surfers were targets in 29 attacks, and a great white killed a 50-year-old woman as she swam with seals off Central California last summer.


J. Michael Kennedy
