
Are you a dog freak or a truth seeker?

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The site:

It’s like Friendster, only for canines. Or their owners. Got no dog? No problem. You can still join “for the love of dog,” the site says. Not only can you look at those doggies in Windows, you can pick your favorites and add them to a canine corral for quick viewing or introduce yourself to other owners and make a pup pal. Sites for other pets are in development, but until then Dogster asks that other-animal enthusiasts refrain from posting their photos.

As its creators say, “If you’re looking for lobster, go to a restaurant.”


The site:

Ask two people to tell the same story, and chances are they’ll give radically different versions. Ask 80, and you get Founded on the belief that “reality is subjective, and memory is shaped by both prior and subsequent experience,” Folklore’s developers hope that allowing many to submit their versions of the same story will paint a more accurate picture. At present, only one story -- how the original Macintosh computer was developed -- is being explored on the site, but Folklore anticipates adding others soon.
