
A Hard Lesson in School Money


Letter writer Bob Burris (March 15) says that he is donating his $72 vehicle license fee refund to his local school and hopes that others will do the same. I also received a vehicle license fee refund but will not be donating it to the schools for the following reason: The schools already get 60% of my property tax and 40% of the state’s general fund. They also get all the proceeds from the state’s lottery. In addition, they will receive $12 billion from this year’s school bond after receiving billions from previous election-year school bonds. If they can’t manage to operate on the tens of billions of dollars they already get, then I doubt if my $100 will help them.

Charles E. Sylvia

Los Alamitos


I just received my $200 refund check from my auto registration fees. Let’s see. The state is now going to sell 10-year bonds at something like 5% to pay for this refund. So, over the next 10 years I will actually pay $300 for this $200 refund. I blame the state’s math teachers for producing millions of voters who thought this was a good idea.

Bob Wicks

