
Stamp Honors WWII Troops

From Associated Press

The men and women who served in the U.S. armed forces during World War II will be honored with a 37-cent postage stamp.

The stamp will go on sale at post offices nationwide on May 29, the same day of formal dedication ceremonies for the National World War II Memorial here.

“This stamp will recognize and pay tribute to the men and women -- from the front lines to the home front -- who worked to preserve the freedom of our great nation during World War II,” said Postmaster General John E. Potter.


The colorful commemorative stamp features a computer-generated design depicting the memorial, showing one of its two 43-foot arches and some of the granite pillars that encircle a sunken plaza.

A ceremony unveiling the stamp will be held at the memorial just before the official dedication ceremonies.

The stamp will remain on sale for a year, the U.S. Postal Service said.
