
HIV Screening Would Promote an Agenda


Re “Scientists Advise Screening All Adults for HIV Infection,” Feb. 10: The recommendation by the Yale doctor, the Centers on Disease Control and others that the entire population of the U.S. be screened for HIV infection is a perfect example of science being used to promote a political agenda.

Being 56 and monogamous for 30 years, and never having had a blood transfusion, it is not possible that I would be infected.

The Times article stated that there are probably 280,000 people in the country who have HIV but do not know it. That is about 0.1% of the population.


The only possible reason to recommend universal testing is that it would make the disease seem more mainstream and perhaps engender more compassion, although it is one disease that is preventable in almost every case.

The goal of the report is fine, but it shouldn’t be called science.

Glenn Dorfman

Santa Barbara
