
Independent Oversight for King/Drew

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Re “King/Drew at a Critical Point,” editorial, Feb. 7: I was troubled by one particular conclusion in which The Times asserted, “We’re less persuaded of the need for an independent board to oversee just King/Drew.” I urge you to reconsider. I have long supported a countywide health authority, but establishing such an entity requires state legislation, enactment of which can take a year or more.

What the county must do immediately is establish a rigorous and professionally oriented oversight body at King/Drew itself, to bridge the informational and accountability gap between the hospital administration itself and the policymakers and health department executives who must oversee its operation within our larger healthcare system. This gulf has existed for more than two decades and is largely responsible for the severe ongoing problems at King/Drew.

The Navigant Group, our outside consultant, has recommended that we establish such a local oversight body, which could be done in a matter of weeks. Our goal must be to turn King/Drew around and transform it into the center of medical excellence our clients deserve, and in this endeavor we haven’t a minute to waste.


Zev Yaroslavsky

L.A. County Supervisor
