
The Lesson: Waste Not, Want Not

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Regarding “A Valuable Drug Discovery at UC,” Golden State, Feb. 17:

Hey, Arnold, are you looking for government waste? Found some! Way to go, John A. Glaspy! As a California taxpayer, I would like to thank the UCLA cancer expert for his can-do attitude in finding ways to cut drug costs.

This $800,000 savings at UCLA does not take into account the other University of California medical centers or even other potential savings in the UC system in general. It seems perfectly clear to me that if our governor is truly serious about discovering ways to reduce state expenditures by cutting waste, here it is.

Gov. Schwarzenegger, the first thing that you can do is to eliminate the purchasing department at the UC offices.


Thanks again, Dr. Glaspy, for a job well done, and thanks also to Michael Hiltzik for bringing it to our attention.

Craig Ziemer

