
Misinformation in Any Case Is Bad


Re “Newsweek Backtracks on Koran Report,” May 16: Well, well, what a surprise. The elite, liberal media get caught once again doing exactly what they relentlessly crucify the president for, fabricating stories and lying to the public. Only this time innocent people have died in the rioting all because a writer wanted to spice up his story with a tasty morsel designed to inflame the Muslim community. The pen is in fact mightier than the sword.

Gregory P. Williams



So George Bush’s White House is forcing Newsweek to retract its story on desecration of the Koran at Guantanamo Bay (May 17). Where is Bush’s retraction on saying Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and ties with Osama bin Laden? Bush’s misinformation has caused thousands of deaths, and the number of dead continues to rise daily.

Jean Thomson

Santa Barbara


So, it is bad to base a “story on an erroneous source or sources that was demonstrably false and that resulted in riots in which people were killed,” according to the Pentagon. But to use that same strategy to start a war is OK?


Marc Weber

Los Angeles
