
Finally, Someone Stands Up to Senate Hypocrites


Re “Accused British Official Slams the U.S. on Iraq,” May 18: Quite frankly, at this point I don’t much really care if George Galloway was somehow involved in the United Nations’ oil-for-food scandal, though I tend to doubt it considering how completely absent is the credibility of those accusing him.

It was just so refreshing to see someone actually stand in front of the hypocrites in the Senate and state what most people already know: that we went to war by choice, based on a pack of lies told to us by politicians and corporate businesses with careers and profits to be made on the blood of civilians and troops. Anyone who thinks this war was ever about freedom or terrorism is either a liar or delusional.

Unfortunately for us, that pretty much covers the majority of the people we elected to represent us in Washington. A pox on all their houses and bravo to you, Mr. Galloway, for saying what so few American politicians have the guts to say.


R. Donald Snyder

Los Angeles
