
Jury Duty Resembles an Imposed Punishment

Re “He’s Reached a Final Verdict,” Voices, May 21: Vahid Imani writes that when we get a notice for jury duty, we should go and do our part. My husband got a notice for federal jury duty in Fresno and went to do his part. He was told it would be petit jury service, but when he got there he found that it would be grand jury service for 18 to 24 months.

When he told the judge he did not get paid for jury service she told him to go work nights and weekends. I doubt the judges have to work nights and weekends.

They summoned only 50 people, 33 showed up, and they were told that 33 were needed. Why don’t they summon more people and release those with financial and medical hardships?


They should not wonder why they have a difficult time getting jurors when they treat them so poorly.

Elaine Fleeman

